Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cerebral Palsy X-men How Do You Deal With Your Limitations When You Have Cerebral Palsy?

How do you deal with your limitations when you have Cerebral Palsy? - cerebral palsy x-men

Sometimes I felt sad because I have cerebral palsy. Tips for better feel of them. What about the anger that comes to?

1 comment:

irish said...

I am a student of 18 years, I use a walker and with some difficulty with his left hand. I doubt that say, as one would say with sadness or anger.What I can is that a lot of grief and anger is only part of the human condition, people are always angry or sad a bit, so if you were perfect in everyway 'd still sad or angry about something. that's the only thing I have is through humor and realize that most people ingnornate incredible people and things that have never experienced in or with (myself included).

To overcome ideas (Corny)

Goal 1: to remain in your thoughts, try to understand people and to get the world as a whole yet. I (half)
2 I know his age, but what is fixed and the achievement of other goals, they think, are excluded, and forcing people to open their eyes to what you can do.
3 nights stay, the confidence in everything you do

Hope that helps a bit. Note that you can only feel, but you alone.

ps. I set the goal of walking to my 21st Birthday, and I was STREChing and development of 2-3 hours per day for month, because I want my goal, I achieve for myself.
I want to learn more languages, 4 in my life
from next month in Spain
(which helped my confidence comes from treated as if they were)

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